Mara Kolibri is a voice that improvises with love, curiosity and open ears, a voice that creatively experiments with the variety of her sounds and characters.
In her creative treasure chest she combines a speech and sound palette, improvisational agility, the painting of moods, as well as the intensity and passion of a siren.
She uses a dynamic range of silence and whispering about fragile, melodic singing to the orgiastic liftoff in the band’s sound.
Mara Kolibri is a voice that does not necessarily need a text, a voice that mingles as a instrument under the musical, harmonic texture of the band as a part of the whole.
Mara Kolibri is a composer who, with her bright ears and a sensitivity to the colors of the harmonies, composes her pieces like a painter.
In addition to this, she draws fluent lyric melodies, which lead the listener into the musical created world.
Mara Kolibri is a writer who creates moods with words, paints images in front of the eyes of the listener whose textual information transforms to stories that merge into one with the music and the sound of the voice.
For Mara
God created a BIRD.
TINY as the CHICK,
but flying high – like the HAWK.
With a VOICE that makes me DIZZY .
Low and high like on the SLIDE.
Acting like the CAT and the LION at the same time –
just to become the DUCK next moment.
Leaded by the MONK,
protected by the COUNT,
observed by LADY DAY and PRES.
Supported by the DUKE
and the DIVINE ONE.
GOD was satisfied – she smiled:
„Sorry – there are no nicknames left.
But I fill your BAGS with BLUE inspiration and endless musicality.
And I call you KOLIBRI.“
(Walter Kortanek)