Quärfekt – moderne jazz, improvisation

Mara Kolibri – voice, loop, effectse, composition
Christian Rödlach – piano, composition
Florian Schafellner – bass
Sebastian Schwarz – drums
Quärfekt play lyrical, energetic, intense, passionate …
Quärfekt tell stories awaken images, scenes, moods, …
Quärfekt take you to another world!
“Music that takes and permits, from which you can draw new strength.” (Georg Cizek-Graf)
CD “Quärfekt” – published October 2015
Mara Kolibri Projekt – improvisation, passion, intensity

Mara Kolibri – voice, composition
Julia Schreitl-Angerer – saxophone
Gerhard Buchegger – piano
Sebastian Schwarz – drums
Andrea Fränzel – double bass / substitute: Georg Schmelzer-Ziringer
“Colorful dew, a waltz in September rain, glittering November fog, a song of thanksgiving to Esbjörn Svensson, bluesy sleepy grumbling in the morning …
Own compositions full of shimmering timbres and emotional landscapes, from floating melody clouds to bubbling, earthy tones of a siren to groovy, rocky invokations.”
“”When the time is transformed into a different form that may be through music. Thanks for the performance!” !” (audience reaction)
youtube-video: Give it to the spirit
Lasst die Kinder zu mir kommen – Freiheitskonzerte für ALLE Menschen ab 0 Jahren

“I love free improvisation – I love the surprise, being open with curiosity about what wants to be at the moment. That is exactly what applies to babies and small children, because they are created by curiosity at the moment.” (Mara Kolibri)
Babies and toddlers are invited to teach improvisation, and everyone who wants to immerse themselves in this magic again.
Mara Kolibri – conceupt, voice
invited musicians and dancers
Marie-Theres Gallnbrunner – art therapist
Booking, details, concept on request
Familienchor für ALLE Generationen ab 0 Jahren

Come and sing together: for ALL generations from 0. WITHOUT limits of age, gener, origin … FREE of high demands … OPEN for ideas
Pop Up Concerts – free improvisation

… qualitative unique, in places that did not know that they are chosen for concerts … a merging of different systems that tread in unexpected interrelationships … different functional PLACES, invited MUSICIANS who are open to the not-defined, LISTENERS who are curious to discover new spaces of Vienna … to flow into a SINGULARITY, to which musicians open up as a medium for the moment, in order that it materializes by free improvisation …
Mara Kolibri – voice, concept
invited musicians (Habib Samandi, Eric Arn, Michael Fischer, Bernadette Zeilinger, Diego Mune, …)
Kolibri-Mune-Zeilinger – Trio of contemporary and freely improvised music

be, listen, flow through, breathe, wait …. space, air, silence, intensity … unique, at the moment!
Mara Kolibri – voice
Bernadette Zeilinger – flutes
Diego Mune – guitar
“”Surely one of the most unusual shows I’ve ever seen.” (Georg Cizek-Graf)
website La Musa
VIO – Vienna Improvisers Orchestra
conducted instant composing
The Vienna Improvisers Orchestra focuses on conducted instant composition, a specific form of experimental composition and complex improvised music. Within an oscillating process musicians and conductor create ad hoc compositions, mediated by a vocabulary of hand-sign conducting. The Vienna Improvisers Orchestra is Austria’s first orchestra dedicated to this method since 2004 which has been developed in variety by a few European improvising orchestras within the last 15-20 years, mostly referring to Lawrence D. Butch Morris’ work on ‘conductions’.
Performing in ever changing line-ups the Vienna Improvisers Orchestra unifies singers and musicians out of acoustic and electro-acoustic improvised music, contemporary composed music, jazz and eminent new music ensembles. Since its beginning, the possible processes of merging sound and recitation, their vice versa influence, the metamorphosis of sound- and word-pictures a.o. phenomenons arising, were an additional beam of the VIO’s poetic presence, hence the VIO is collaborating with splendid writers in experimental poetry. The Vienna Improvisers Orchestra works within a wide range of projects a.o. collaborating with choir, multi lingual or within interdisciplinary contexts. The Vienna Improvisers Orchestra was launched by Michael Fischer in 2004.
A Spoon of Harmony – Jazzcombo
(traditional jazz repertoire: Swing, Bossa Nova, Blues,…)

More than a spoon full of jazz! This jazz combo revives the time of Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra.
Bookable for parties, weddings, vernissages, receptions, dance events …
Mara Kolibri – voice
Sebastian Schwarz – drums
Christian Rödlach – piano
Matthias Wieser, Florian Schafellner – bass
MaKi – free improvisation

Music is life – music is communication: What happens when Mara and Lukas go on a stage to play a concert free of repertoire and prescription? It is inevitably reduced to what is the quintessence of musical coexistence: listening, feeling, processing and experiencing.
Tension is definitely guaranteed here, because of its unique, perhaps also never-perceived sounds, up to catchy melodic melodies, everything is contained in this explosive and emotional combination.
Mara Kolibri – voice, effects, loop
Lukas Schönsgibl – guitar, loop, effects
Album “spontaneous songs” – released Juni 2015, second edition December 2015
Home – Duo – Improvisation – Concerts – free improvisation
Flying, dancing, dreaming … an improvisational journey outside space and time in an intimate living room
Mara Kolibri – voice, effects, loop
invited musicians – different instruments (Judith Reiter, David Six, Franz Hautzinger, Bernadette Zeilinger, Diego Mune, Lukas Schönsgibl, Andrea Fränzel, …)
Mara Kolibri & Clemens Wabra

Charming, cheeky interpretations of jazz, pop, and rock songs with lots of improvisations
Mara Kolibri – voice
Clemens Wabra – guitar
“One thing I noticed at my concerts was that there are singers who live for singing, who, as in jazz, see songs as raw material with which they can work, which they can transform, from which they can expose what is important for them, what they want to express – and they make these songs their own. Mara Kolibri is – so far as I know her so far – such a singer. Her enthusiasm and joy in the music are catching. In combination with the exceptional guitarist Clemens Wabra she sings songs from Coldplay, Sting or Zaz. But singing is almost too little said, she expands them, improvises to it, she lives them. “” (Georg Cizek-Graf)
live-video: Rehab, Two Sleepy People, Black Crow, Lead The Way
a spoon of magic – wedding duo

The magical duo “a spoon of magic” makes your special day unforgettable
Mara Kolibri – voice, flute
Christian Rödlach – piano
Dance of words – improvisation & lyric
a poetical – musical journey
Georg Harlekin – concept, lyric
Günter Brauneis – lyric
Mara Kolibri – composition, voice, loop, effects
Lukas Schönsgibl – guitar, loop, effects
zornmusic – Electronic
ein recording-project of the brothers Roland andWolfgang Giesinger
Roland Giesinger – producer, keys, voice
Wolfgang Giesinger – producer, keys
Mara Kolibri – voice, composition, lyrics
Markus Monz – guitar
Pascal Wallier – bass
Ibou Sene – percussion, voice
Mathias Meusburger – drums, percussion
Oaschpartie, Schmoiz – Dialect
styrian hits with heart!
Joachim Pichler – voice, keys, composition
Lukas Ertl – guitar, composition
Martina Pröll (alias Mara Kolibri) – voice, flute, percussion
Robert Haitzinger – cajon, drums
Stefano Lazzari – bass
Angelo Rossi-Projekt – acoustic music
Swing, Bossa Nova, Austrop, Evergreens, Flamenco
Angelo Rossi – guitar
Mara Kolibri – voice